4 Hour

12 Hour

24 Hour


Dette ekstreme løb startede i Hurricane Irene i 2011, da vejret var så voldsomt at alle løb blev lukket. Spartan meldte ud at dem der var seje nok, kunne dukke op på løbsdagen. De fleste blev væk, men få mødte op, og sådan blev Hurricane Heat startet.
Team-Based Challenge

Each Hurricane Heat is entirely unpredictable, so ensuring your all-round functional fitness is as good as it can be by event day is key to a successful and enjoyable event. Distance running and marches with a weighted pack are excellent prep, as is bodyweight loaded workouts featuring squats, pushups, dips, burpees, and jumping jacks. Check out the plans for more.


Spartan Hurricane Heat challenges athletes in three endurance formats: HH4 (4-hour), HH12 (12-hour), and HH24 (24-hour). Each timed event pushes participants through relentless physical and mental challenges, demanding teamwork, resilience, and the ability to adapt under pressure.

How to Train

Each Hurricane Heat is entirely unpredictable, so ensuring your all-round functional fitness is as good as it can be by event day is key to a successful and enjoyable event. Distance running and marches with a weighted pack are excellent prep, as is bodyweight loaded workouts featuring squats, pushups, dips, burpees, and jumping jacks. Check out the plans for more.

What To Bring

Every Hurricane Heat has a standard gear list, along with custom items which change for every event. The event leaders will share the custom list with all registered students prior to each event. Some items will be for your safety, others will be for specific use during the event, and they may appear strange or confusing at first! Check out the standard list here.

Hvad får du

Personlig udvikling er målet med Hurricane Heat. Der er ingen medaljer. Men dem der er stærke nok til at gennemføre at Hurricane Heat vil få noget meget efterspurgt swag de kan tage med hjem. Trøjen siger at du er med i en eksklusiv klub af Spartans på tværs af jorden.

Spartan Hurricane Heat finisher t-shirt

Spartan Hurricane Heat vedhæng

Professional Photos

Spartan Hurricane Heat Pinney

Tjek din individuelle race day guide for de præcise detaljer vedrørende dit event.


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